Simple. curious. meaningful. stories. A daily update on topics you really care about. Create your own knowledge space.
The easiest way to be in-the-know everyday.
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Science, business, gaming, art, tech, history, nutrition, mind, whatever you are interested in. Read it daily.
Get curated content as your morning routine

We are platformentally exhausted. We all need morning readings with curated content for less infinite scrolling.
Save time with summarized stories

Who didn't look up for summaries in school? We love them, don't we? Well, we got them ready for you just one click away.
Learn consciously free from infoxication

Do we even know what does it mean being informed in this noisy digital world? Let's reinforce awareness through real knowledge.
Why SuperGood?

You'll be the most interesting person in the room.

You'll always have something new to share.

You'll keep your brain creative, curious, aware.

You'll read world-class journalism in small bites.

The greatest crime in the world is to have access to 64 zettabytes of information and still not wanting to be informed everyday. Being smart is easy.
However, the world has never gone this fast, and our brain can't follow it. We want to help slowing the pace with a bite-size daily dose of information for your mind.
We want you to be up to date. But what's the best part? We want to support sustainable education in developing countries. We have big pockets of hope.
A solution for the conscious fact collectors.
Explore the relationship between curiosity and knowledge.

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